The Beauty of Climate Change
The beauty of climate change is a unique masterpiece of a rare moment in the life of the Chüehboden Glacier in the Swiss Alps. The submerged glacier tongue was ripped away by the hydrostatic pressure of the growing glacier lake, revealing a monumental mass of ice frozen into a surreal landscape of icebergs in a frozen alpine lake. 2021
All my wall art is produced with the highest photographic quality in the industry. For a most satisfying result according to your wishes, I will contact you personally upon chosing the size of your print to discuss the final details, framing and materials.
Can’t find what you are looking for in this gallery you saw on Instagram or somewhere else? We will find an option to get it on your wall the way you want!
Please allow 10-14 days for the prints, manufactured in a small, professional printing business to provide the best possible result for you!
From: 183.00 CHF